
Posts: 886 Joined: 26-Feb-2016 10:14pm Location: Oakland CA

Everyone i asked about it purchasing and implementinhg last August was that they loved it. i like it but it doesn't live up to its promise of being a substitute for keeping all your work in process excel, pdfs, and word docs, plus copies of emails.

Works fine if you use it like a metal filing cabinet for completed work: pdf's excel, word, copies of emails. But we have tried for months to use it as it was described: a storage for work in process excel, docs, pdfs etc. Have lost too many hours "checking out" an excel file to work on, saving often, closing it back to EFC, only to find that the changed version never got saved to EFC. If lucky, we find in in the users profile temp areas. Or we can recover it from the windows recovery bin. This happens about 10% of the time. Tech support ot afc alternately concede that " a small percentage of users" have the same problem to "very very rare, usually user error." Happens to all our users, all machines. No problems with other apps.

I don't want to go back to using a big set of windows folders and subfolders. But unless there's a better soln out there, we'll have to do that for work in process files and then move completed work files to EFC

Stop overpaying for your tax firm website.
Please visit: www.TheSiteFactory.com 2-Sep-2017 8:13am


Posts: 26 Joined: 5-Aug-2016 6:46am Location: Missouri

Take a look at FileCenter from http://www.lucion.com/.

It is basically an overlay to your windows file folders but organizes it in a much more user friendly way.

One of the nicest things is the ability to scan from the program directly to a folder and many, many pdf functions. You can basically replace Adobe as it has it's own built in PDF editor. Great way to download PDF from the government, fill in the form and save the completed PDF within a clients folder.

2-Sep-2017 12:37pm


Posts: 886 Joined: 26-Feb-2016 10:14pm Location: Oakland CA

Thank you. Looks like they are targeting small office PaperPort users and Lacerte customers. If they integrated with UltraTax or we had tons of paper to scan, I would be very inclined to switch to them. Price is right.

As you say they basically are "just" a template for windows folder/subfolder structure with all the pro's and con's of that vs using database (local or cloud) to store docs the way most of the other dms, such as EFC uses Sql Server to do . That's their strength and their weakness.

Strength is I wouldn't have any more issues with work in process Excel and pdfs getting annotated, not saving. No problem with linking different Office documents.

Weakness is back to managing Windows network permissions which are just not grannular enough or easy for non techie to constantly manage, even in a small office. eg. no "check out" or "check in" function. No way to hide my office admin folders from users without paying attnt to arcane Microsoft net workpermissions and rights. (EFC does not provide versioning but it does store all deleted files)

Bigger concern is whether I can keep using 3rd party tools for Adobe such as CpaPaperless TTT and Evermap cleanup/redacting? And would FC's OCR be compatible with Adobe DC?

Wish EFC just got their bugs ironed out.

I'll post the responses of FC sales to my questions when received.