How to Write an Audio Visual Service Agreement

Audio-visual services are those that involve sound systems, speakers, cameras, videoconferencing equipment, projectors and other similar equipment. Companies or individuals may form agreements with audio-visual providers for the permanent purchase and installation, temporary rental and operation or maintenance of audio-visual equipment. Written agreements are important because they spell out the duties and responsibilities of both parties as well as the consequences of failing to meet those responsibilities. In case of a conflict, the service agreement may be used to reach a settlement during arbitration or as evidence in a court case.

Specify the parties involved in the agreement. Include the full names and contact information of each business or individual involved. If either party will be referred to by another name within the document (such as a company name abbreviation or a party designation, such as "client"), include this name in parenthesis after the company name.

State the specific project to which the agreement applies. List all audio-visual equipment that will be purchased, rented or maintained. Give the beginning and ending dates of the project. State the location at which the project will be executed. State the agreed-upon cost.

State the responsibilities of each party. Include information on who is responsible for obtaining any necessary permission, permitting or insurance or for meeting any other pre-service conditions. Include pre-service construction requirements such as placement and amperage of outlets required by the audio-visual equipment. State all guarantees of service offered by the audio-visual provider.

Write additional sections to reflect all other conditions of service. This may include information on how services will be billed, cancellation procedures, renewal procedures and how conflicts will be managed. It may also include information on transferability (the ability of the new company to continue the agreement should one party be bought out) and breach of contract.

Provide a signature area so that each party many sign and date the agreement. Print the name, title and company of each signor beneath the signature.
