Alpha Insurance A/S (Alpha Insurance), a Danish insurance company, was declared bankrupt on 8 May 2018. FSCS has been working closely with Alpha’s liquidator, the Danish Guarantee Fund and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Danish FSA) to understand the impact of Alpha’s bankruptcy.
See our insurance compensation limits and their conditions on our Insurance page.
By entering your email address above, you’re allowing us to email you about this firm. To do this, we need to hold and process your data.
For more information, please view FSCS’s data protection statement and our privacy policy .
A few other customers due £50 or more will have received an email explaining the process and are starting to receive payments.
Where FSCS has been provided with a policyholder’s full name and address, cheque payments will start being posted out immediately.
Where FSCS has not been provided with a property owner’s full name, a letter will be sent out to the address provided to FSCS by BCR/CRL providing instructions on what steps to take next, and what documents are needed, including submitting their details via the Alpha portal:
If you are in possession of a post-completion certificate of insurance and have not received either a cheque or a letter from FSCS by 15 September, you will need to submit your claim for RoP via the Alpha portal:
To read a list of commonly asked questions around the return of premiums, click the Q&A tab above.
Alpha motor claim queries
Alpha solicitor’s professional indemnity claims
We need to assess the insured company’s eligibility for FSCS protection. FSCS is geared towards protecting claimants who are individuals or small businesses only.
Under FSCS’ rules, a small business means a partnership, body corporate, unincorporated association or mutual association with an annual turnover of less than £1 million for the 12 months immediately preceding the start of the insurance policy.
We mean that we want to see what the insured company’s gross revenue or income was for a specific period of time. That specific period of time being the 12 months preceding (or leading up to) the start of the Alpha insurance policy.
E.G. if the Alpha policy cover dates were: 01/05/2016 – 30/04/2017 we need to have sight of the insured company’s turnover for the period 01/05/2015 – 30/04/2016.
No. Abbreviated accounts do not reference a company’s turnover, gross revenue or income in any way so are of no use in this scenario.
No. Pictures taken with phones are too variable in quality, making it hard to read figures. Please send a scan of the relevant documents.
Please note that if you are waiting for a cheque to be reissued, this may take up to 4 weeks. If you have never received your cheque, please send us an email including the following information:
Please note it may take up to 4 weeks to reissue the payment.
Alternatively, we could arrange for a BACS transfer to be carried out – for us to do this you will need to provide your account name, number and sort code.
Please send us proof of ID and proof of address
FSCS is waiting for data from the insolvency practitioner, which we now have and which could include your claim.
Please provide the company's full accounts and turnover for the year leading up to when the policy was bought.
We will need to check that you are eligible for FSCS compensation (to see how FSCS protects companies please visit the useful information for small businesses, limited companies and charities page.
You will need to return the cheque to FSCS (or scan it and send us the picture) along with clear details of who a reissued cheque should be made payable to. You'll need to include the following information:
Please note it may take up to 4 weeks to cancel and reissue the payment.
Alternatively, we could arrange for a BACS transfer to be carried out – for us to do this you will need to provide your account name, number and sort code.
When purchased, the cost of the policy was made up of several components, including surveyors’ fees, administration costs, and the insurance premium itself. FSCS can only offer protection on the insurance premium, and the amount of compensation depends on how much longer the policy had left to run. Of this, FSCS can pay 90%.
FSCS has no access to the information around how much the developer paid CRL for the insurance policy. However, we do know the value of the Alpha insurance component, and this is the amount that our compensation is based on.
If you have further questions on how your premium refund payment was calculated, we’d urge you to contact BCR/CRL. Call them on 0208 343 3242 or 0800 772 3200.
If you’re not happy with the outcome, the Financial Ombudsman Service may be able to resolve your dispute.
Following the failure of Alpha, no other insurer was prepared to take on the risks of the latent defect policies for the same money, hence the return of premiums. Likewise, the cost of a replacement policy is likely to be higher too.