Diffraction Grating Questions and Answers for Viva

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Interview Question and Answer of Diffraction Grating

Question-1. Define Diffraction?

Answer-1: The phenomenon of bending of light waves around the edges of obstacles and their spreading into the geometrical shadow of the obstacle is called diffraction of light.

Question-2. What is grating?

Answer-2: A grating is a plane glass plate on which a large number of opaque rulings are drawn at equidistance with a diamond head.

Question-3. What is grating element?

Answer-3: It is the distance between the centers of any two successive ruled lines or transparent stripes.

Question-4. Why is light incident on the side of grating which has no rulings?

Answer-4: To avoid refraction of diffracted light.

Question-5. Mention the two types of diffraction?

Answer-5: The two types of diffraction are Fresnel diffraction and Fraunhofer diffraction.

Question-6. What gives a more intense spectrum ? prism or grating?

Answer-6: A prism gives more intense spectrum because in prism entire light is concentrated into one spectrum while in the case of grating light is distributed in the grating spectra of different orders.

Question-7. Why does red color deviate the most in case of grating?

Answer-7: This is so because in case of grating, the angle of diffraction is proportional to the wavelength and the wavelength of red is maximum.

Question-8. What is the type of diffraction in the diffraction grating experiment?

Answer-8: Fraunhofer diffraction is involved because the source and the screen are effectively at infinite distance.

Question-9. When will the even order spectra disappear?

Answer-9: They will disappear if the size of opaque lines and transparent stripes is made equal.

Question-10. What is the difference between prism and grating spectrum?

Answer-10: In grating spectrum violet color is least deviated and red color is most deviated but in prism the reverse is true.

Question-11. What is diffraction grating?

Answer-11: A plane diffraction grating consists of an optically plane glass plate on which number of equidistant, parallel straight lines are ruled.

Question-12. What is grating element?

Answer-12: It is sum of which of transparent and opaque portion is called grating element or granting constant.

Question-13. How is grating element related to the number of ruling per cm?

Answer-13: Grating element is the reciprocal of number of rulings per cm.

Question-14. What is difference between spectra of grating?

Answer-14: Differences between spectra of grating :
Prism gives only one spectrum on both sides of the center.
The order of the color is reverse in one another.
Prism spectrum depends of material of the prism.
Grating spectra are independent of material of grating.
Prism spectra are due to dispersion of light.
The grating spectra are formed by diffraction of light.

Question-15. Are the spectra of different orders of the same intensity?

Answer-15: No, they are of different intensities. The intensity decreases with the increase of the order number.


Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Diffraction Grating

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